Privacy Policy

Policy Statement

Moreton Bay Women’s Shed is committed to following the National Privacy Principles and acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals.

The right to privacy of members will be held paramount unless there are serious moral or legal requirements to the contrary (e.g. in a medical emergency or meeting Working with Children requirements).

At all times we aim to balance the rights of individuals to have control over their personal information and our moral, legal and professional obligations.

Personal Information

Personal information is information or an opinion about an individual and may include:

  • personal and sensitive information such as racial or ethnic origin, religion, criminal record
  • health information such as specific conditions or disability


For the purpose of this document the term member refers to those engaged as  a volunteer/member with the Moreton Bay Women’s Shed.

Policy Guidelines

1. Confidentiality

Compliance with the Privacy Policy is a requirement of the Moreton Bay Women’s Shed Code of Conduct for all members.

2. Collection of Personal Information

The collection of personal information is primarily to provide care and support to members. This information will be collected according to certain guidelines.

We will: 

  • Only collect information that is relevant and necessary
  • Not collect personal or sensitive information unless the member has consented
  • Only collect information about a member when consent has NOT been approved by the member only when the collection of this information is required by law or to prevent or lessen a serious or imminent threat to the life or health of an individual. e.g, medical emergency 
  • Ensure that information collected from a member is collected only by lawful means and is not collected in an unreasonably intrusive way
  • Will ensure that the member is made aware of any relevant information provided by a related third party
  • Ensure that information collected is protected from loss, misuse and unauthorized access or disclosure
  • Ensure that all members are informed of the purpose for which information is being collected, if the information is authorized or required by or under law, and of any person or agency to which the MBWS Management Committee may disclose the information collected.

3. Use and Disclosure of Information

  • The MBWS Management Committee will not use or disclose personal information unless:  
  • The member concerned has consented
  • The MBWS Management Committee believes that disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or a serious threat to public health or public safety
  • Use of disclosure of the information is required under law e.g. Subpoena
  • The Management Committee has reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been or is being engaged in and the disclosure of information is necessary in the investigation and/or reporting of the concern to relevant authorities.
  • Members must gain approval from the relevant authority prior to disclosing any information. In this event, details of the information disclosed, to whom and for what purpose will be recorded by the Secretary.

4. Data Quality

The MBWS Management Committee will take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information collected is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

5. Data Security

The MBWS Management Committee will ensure that information is stored in lockable cabinets or on secure electronic information systems accessible only by those members who have authority to view the material.

The security of and confidentiality obligations to member records is the responsibility of the person in charge of membership.

Note: Files are not to be left unattended on desks in open offices or meeting places.They are to be kept secure at all times either in locked cupboards, filing cabinets or in locked rooms.

6. Openness

Every member will be made aware of Moreton Bay Women’s Shed’s commitment to privacy policies and procedures.

7. Access and Correction to Personal Information 

  • All requests for access will be treated seriously
  • All requests for access will be dealt with promptly
  • All requests will be dealt with in a confidential manner 
  • Every member has the right to view their collected personal information or any records about the member
  • Errors and omissions will be addressed immediately by the Management Committee

8. Complaints & Feedback

If a person believes that the MBWS Management Committee does not adequately protect the privacy of their personal information the person may submit a complaint at any time.

All complaints and feedback will be handled in accordance with the MBWS Complaints and Grievances Policy, using the Complaints and Grievances Form.


Australian Privacy Principles

Rights & Responsibilities

Moreton Bay Womens Shed