Terms & Conditions


In applying to be a Member of Moreton Bay Womens Shed (MBWS), you agree to abide by the MBWS Constitution, MBWS Code of Conduct and comply with these MBWS Membership Terms & Conditions.

These MBWS Membership Terms set out the Membership Agreement between MBWS Inc, ABN 83640533634 (us, ourwe or MBWS) and each person (you or your) applying to be a Member of MBWS.

If the MBWS Constitution is amended, all Members will be advised as prescribed in the MBWS Constitution.

MBWS may amend the MBWS Code of Conduct and/or Membership Terms by notifying you no less than 7 days before the effective date of the change. Unless specified otherwise, notifications of MBWS Code of Conduct and MBWS Membership Terms changes will be emailed to your most recent email provided in your Membership Details and posted to MBWS Website.

Amendments to the MBWS Constitution, MBWS Code of Conduct and the MBWS Membership Terms will apply to all current Members.

If the MBWS Constitution, MBWS Code of Conduct and/or MBWS Membership Terms are amended or updated, each Member of MBWS will be taken to have agreed to, and must comply with, the amendment. If a Member does not agree to an amendment, the Member may terminate their membership by providing written notice of termination to secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org.
You agree that by entering into this MBWS Membership, you will be subject to the MBWS Privacy Policy, located on MBWS Website.

References to you,your and similar words in these Membership Terms refer to the individual registering or holding a primary Membership Account with MBWS and therefore agreeing to be bound by the MBWS Constitution, MBWS Code of Conduct and these MBWS Membership Terms. All other documents referred to in this document are available on MBWS website or upon written request to secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org.


Moreton Bay Women’s Shed (MBWS) is a community organisation to benefit women.

Women of all ages found themselves socially isolated, lacking activity and engagement during the initial Covid period with lockdowns.

These women living across Moreton Bay Region are seeking opportunities to make new friendships, be active and have positive engagement with other women and the community.

MBWS is incorporated in Queensland as a not-for-profit organisation. It seeks to encourage and support women and to serve others in the community.

A General Membership, Junior Membership, Family Membership and Concession Membership to MBWS encourages and supports women of all circumstances to become members and to be involved as volunteers to support themselves, their families and the community.


Unless the context otherwise requires:

  • Member means a person accepted by MBWS as a current member of MBWS.
  • Member Details means the details provided by a Member to MBWS about the Member. Membership means the Members membership of MBWS in accordance with these MBWS Membership Terms.
  • Membership Account means a Members individual membership account showing the Members Details and activity including transactions.
  • Membership Fee means the applicable annual fee payable for the Membership Class held or to be held by the Member.
  • Membership Terms means this document and the terms and conditions contained in this document.
  • Membership Type means a class of membership to MBWS as identified from time to time in MBWS Constitution or on MBWS Website.
  • MBWS Privacy Policy means MBWSs Privacy Policy available at www.moretonbaywomensshed.org.
  • MBWS Policies means the policies available to Members of MBWS at www.moretonbaywomensshed.org and as updated from time to time by MBWS.
  • MBWS Website means the website located at www.moretonbaywomensshed.org or such other website MBWs designates as MBWS Website. Any communication in relation to your Membership for Moreton Bay Womens Shed should be directed to secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org.


In order to assess if you meet the eligibility criteria, MBWS may require you to provide further information to support your application or contact a relevant third party.

To be eligible to apply to be a Member you must meet the applicable eligibility criteria,
complete a membership application, pay the application fee (as applicable), and agree to abide by the MBWS Constitution, MBWS Code of Conduct and comply with these MBWS Membership Terms.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, MBWS has the sole discretion to accept or reject any membership application according to the MBWS Constitution in Clauses 9, 10, 11 and 12.

If MBWS accepts your membership application, your membership will not start until you complete all required membership registration requirements, including paying any Membership Fee.

Membership is personal to the person or applicant accepted as a Member and cannot be transferred.

Membership is for a minimum of one (1) year, unless terminated earlier by the Member or by MBWS as per the MBWS Constitution in Clauses 10, 11 and 12.

Membership commences on the date your membership registration requirements are completed and the Membership Fee is paid.

To enable you to extend your Membership for a successive 12 month term, you will receive an invitation to do so at least 30 days before the end of the current membership term. This invitation will include instructions for you to carry out your Membership Renewal.


All membership fees are annual based on the date of commencement of your membership. Payment can be made annually in cash, EFT to MBWS bank account or by credit card on-line. All membership fees paid via credit card will attract a merchant fee on-charge at the rate charged by MBWSs payment gateway provider.

MBWS, in its sole discretion, may agree to allow the Member to pay fees by credit card. In this event, the Member agrees to provide MBWS with an authorised credit card name, number and date of expiration, and proper debit authorisation for the purposes of allowing MBWS to charge the applicable account to collect fees due under the Membership.

There is no refund of any previously paid Membership Fees should you cancel your membership at any stage during your current membership term. Where a Membership has been paid annually, if the Member notifies MBWS that the Member wishes to not renew or terminate the Membership, then the Member will remain entitled to access the Benefits for the remainder of that Membership term, unless in the sole and unfettered discretion of MBWS, MBWS elects to terminate the Membership with immediate effect and refund that part of the Membership Fee paid in advance by the Member for the balance of the Membership term, in which case the Member will no longer have any entitlement to any of the Member Benefits.

Any application fee or merchant fee on-charges for a Membership Application is non- refundable.


Each Member must act honestly, fairly and reasonably in all matters connected with and in its dealings with MBWS. Without limiting this obligation, you:

  • must promptly tell MBWS if there is a change to details submitted in your membership application or Member Details;
  • must not abuse or misuse any Member Benefit or use it for any inappropriate, illegal or unlawful activity;
  • for individuals, must be at least 13 years old and provided you are at least 13 years old use any services that require payment by you;
  • by using or accessing the Membership services in any way, you represent and warrant that you meet the requirements in these Membership terms or as otherwise specified by us from time to
  • time including any age eligibility;
  • must not reveal any password or other access credentials to anyone else (or let them use your Membership). You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and security of your Membership on the MBWS website. If you believe someone may have used your membership on the MBWS website without your authorisation, please change your MBWS website password and notify secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org of this breach. To the maximum extent permitted by law, you are responsible for all actions in connection with your Membership on the MBWS website, including of persons associated with you, including guests and invitees, regardless of whether you authorised such actions;
  • must not engage in any behaviour in communicating with another Member or any person associated with MBWS, including any employee, contractor, representative of MBWS or any member of the public or person visiting MBWS premises (including any online facilities) or attending MBWS activities that could reasonably be interpreted as intended to bully, intimidate, stalk or harass a person or subject any such person to unwanted attention.
  • must not in using a forum provided by MBWS post content that could reasonably be interpreted to be defamatory, malicious, hate speech, threatening, pornographic, inciting violence or containing nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence or espouses political views or material that is not on the topic of the forum;
  • must not undertake any action or conduct that could damage the reputation of MBWS;
  • must not make representations including making any comment to the media or on any social media on behalf of MBWS without the prior written approval from the Management Committee of MBWS;
  • give MBWS such information as is reasonably requested from time to time (e.g. to assist us to verify eligibility for Membership).


Once you are a Member of MBWS you are entitled to remain a Member until either you or MBWS terminate your Membership in accordance with the MBWS Constitution in Clauses 10, 11 and 12.

A Member may terminate their MBWS Membership at any time by advising MBWS in writing to secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org. The Membership will be deemed to be terminated 30 days after MBWS receives the notification.

If a Member does not adhere to the MBWS Constitution or breaches the MBWS Code of Conduct or these Membership Terms and MBWS, acting reasonably, considers that there has been a
serious breach, or where the frequency of breaches by the Member amounts to a serious breach, MBWS may terminate the persons Membership in accordance with the MBWS Constitution in Clauses 10, 11 and 12.

MBWS may terminate Membership of MBWS at any time if MBWS decides to cease operation of MBWS. In this case, MBWS may terminate Membership by issuing a notice in writing to each current Member.

Notice may be sent to the Members email address, as specified in their Member Details.

Termination of Membership in any event will not entitle the Member to a refund of any Membership Fee other than where MBWS terminates the Membership due to ceasing operation of MBWS or where the Membership Agreement is terminated by MBWS because a Member has failed to abide by the MBWS Constitution, or the Member has made a substantial breach of the MBWS Code of Conduct or MBWS Membership Terms


Membership Classes

General Membership: A woman or a person who identifies as a woman, over 18 years of age.
Junior: A female person or female person, who identifies as female, aged 13 years to 18 yrs.
Family: Women or persons who identify as women that are related by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who live together in the same household; consisting of a principal applicant and two other family members all of whom are over 13 years of age.
Concession: A woman or a person who identifies as a woman in possession of a valid pensioner concession card from services Australia.

  • An individual can only be a Member of one Membership Type at any one time.
  • Membership Classes are made available on MBWS Website.

Member Benefits

On occasion, there may be an outage on MBWS Website and/or portal. During this time, Membership Accounts and access to web-based resources and services may not be available.


To the extent permitted by law, MBWS has no liability to you whatsoever in contract, tort
(including negligence), statute or otherwise for conduct of another Member, conduct of an organisation interacting with MBWS or in relation to the suitability, adequacy or availability of a Third Party Supply or conduct of any third party supplier you engage with as part of a Third Party Supply.

Members are advised to check the accuracy and currency of content on MBWS Website before relying on it, as there may be a delay between a detail changing and MBWS Website being updated. In some cases, MBWS may also rely on third parties for content displayed on MBWS Website which we have not verified. While MBWS aims to address any currency and accuracy issues promptly upon becoming aware of them, to the extent permitted by law, MBWS has no liability to you whatsoever in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise for any reliance you place on content on MBWS Website. The MBWS Membership Terms are subject to any rights or remedies you have under law, including under the Australian Consumer Law, which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.


If a Member has a complaint or concern with MBWS or the conduct of another Member, please contact MBWS promptly at secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org about the matter.
MBWS will work with you to try to resolve the issue and take appropriate action.


The privacy of your personal information is important to us. A Members personal information will be handled in accordance with the MBWS Privacy Policy available on MBWS Website and as advised in the MBWS Constitution.

By agreeing to these Membership Terms you agree to the collection, disclosure and use of your personal information as described in the MBWS Privacy Policy and the MBWS Constitution.

If you wish to contact MBWS about your personal information, please use the contact details on MBWS Website or email secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org.

You can also email MBWS at secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org for details about how you may seek to access or correct your personal information that MBWS holds, how you may complain about a breach by MBWS of the Australian Privacy Principles and how MBWS will deal with any complaint.


Members may be able to post content in different forums made available for this purpose by
MBWS on the MBWS website. Before you post any content, you are responsible for checking whether there are any restrictions on whom may access posts to that forum and ensuring that the content complies with MBWS Acceptable Use Policy and your membership obligations. For example, a forum might be public (anyone can view) or Member-only (only MBWS and other Members may view), however regardless of the accessibility of the forum (public or non-public) you should assume anything you publish on any online forum made available to you by MBWS may be disseminated on the internet and become public.

Content that you provide, publish or share on any forum or website made available by MBWS to you, must not infringe the copyright or trademark or intellectual property right of any other person, be obscene, offensive or defamatory or express political views or incite hatred. Subject to your Membership obligations, compliance with the MBWS Acceptable Use Policy and any restrictions identified for a forum, any content in whatever form posted by a Member to a forum made available by MBWS, or otherwise provided by a Member to MBWS in connection with an activity of MBWS, may be shared, reposted or used by MBWS at our discretion. To enable MBWS to make that sharing or use, you grant MBWS a non-exclusive, transferable, irrevocable, sub- licensable, royalty-free, worldwide licence to use and reproduce that content in connection with the business of MBWS.

Intellectual property rights, in content posted on forums and on MBWS Website is owned by
MBWS and by third party licensors. You may view that content, but you must not reproduce, communicate, use or adapt that content in any way, other than as expressly authorised by MBWS. This clause does not apply to prevent you from using your own content that you posted on a forum or MBWS Website.

You must not post or share content on the forums, MBWS Website or noticeboards at MBWS facilities if you do not have the right to do so or if you do not wish MBWs to be able to use that content as set out in these Membership Terms. If you have posted content that you wish MBWS to remove, you should contact secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org as soon as possible and MBWS will endeavour to remove the content. However, MBWS cannot control and is not responsible for the use that anyone makes of that content prior to its removal.


If you have consented to MBWS doing so, MBWS may send you marketing communications and material about MBWS by email, phone, post, text message or other digital service (including through an application installed on a mobile device). Your consent may have been given by opting in to receive these marketing communications in your Membership Application or you may have
subsequently given your consent.

You may withdraw your consent and opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by notifying secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org or by following the opt-out process in a marketing communication.


Unless MBWS notifies you otherwise, MBWS may communicate with you using email sent to the email address in your Member Details or by posting a notice to your Membership Account. You should communicate with MBWS using the applicable contact details on MBWS website or to secretary@moretonbaywomensshed.org.


The MBWS Constitution, MBWS Code of Conduct and these MBWS Membership Terms, as amended from time to time and any other documents referred to in these MBWS Membership Terms form the entire agreement between you and MBWS about the subject matter of the Membership Account agreement and supersedes all other representations, communications, negotiations, arrangements, understandings or agreements previously made on the subject matter.

These MBWS Membership Terms are governed by the laws of Queensland.

Each party irrevocably and unconditionally:
(a) submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland; and (b) waives, without limitation, any claim or objection based on absence of jurisdiction or inconvenient forum.

Moreton Bay Womens Shed